Rethink X

The Rethink series of digital design studios was conducted over a two year period with Fourth and Fifth Year digital design students. Each studio dealt with an everyday experience that could be uniquely repositioned though digital technology to improve, clarify, and personalize the experience. Emerging technologies such as advanced digital displays and short-range wireless protocols were integral to the conceptual framework of each design experience.

Rethink Ikea / Shopping Experience
Fall 2010, Digital Design 3
Fourth Year Studio, University of Cincinnati

Rethink Costco / Shopping Experience
Spring 2009, Digital Design 3
Fourth Year Studio, University of Cincinnati

Rethink Traffic / Roadway Experience
Winter 2009, Digital Design 4
Fifth Year Studio, University of Cincinnati

Rethink the TSA / Airport Experience
Fall 2008, Digital Design 4
Fifth Year Studio, University of Cincinnati